How to Setup Laravel Vapor: Installation, Packages, and Utilization with examples

Setup Laravel Vapor

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Laravel Vapor is an exceptional serverless deployment platform designed specifically for Laravel applications. It leverages the power of AWS Lambda and other cloud infrastructure services to enable effortless scaling, robust performance, and reduced infrastructure management overhead. In this blog post, we will explore Laravel Vapor, covering its installation process, essential packages, and practical use cases, all supported with relevant code examples.


Before diving into Laravel Vapor, ensure you have the latest version of Laravel installed on your system. Vapor requires Laravel 7 or higher. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Step 1- Install Laravel

To begin, open your terminal and run the following command

composer global require laravel/installer

Step 2- Create a new Laravel project

Using the Laravel installer, create a new project by executing the command below

laravel new my-project

Step 3- Install Laravel Vapor

Navigate into your project directory and install Laravel Vapor

cd my-project

composer require laravel/vapor-core --dev

Step 4- Publish Vapor configuration files

Publish the Vapor configuration files and provide the necessary AWS credentials

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vapor-config


Laravel Vapor is designed to work seamlessly with various Laravel packages. Let’s explore a few essential packages that can enhance your Vapor experience:

  1. Laravel Vapor UI (Optional)

This package provides a beautiful user interface to manage and deploy your Laravel Vapor applications. Install it via Composer.

composer require laravel/vapor-ui
  1. Laravel Horizon (Optional)

Laravel Vapor offers built-in support for Laravel Horizon, a powerful queue management tool. To enable Horizon on Vapor, add the following package.

composer require laravel/horizon
  1. Laravel Telescope (Optional)

If you prefer using Laravel Telescope for debugging and monitoring your applications, Vapor also supports this package.

composer require laravel/telescope

Utilization with Examples

Now that we have Laravel Vapor installed and equipped with additional packages, let’s dive into its practical usage through some examples:

  • Deploying an Application

To deploy your Laravel application using Vapor, you need to build the project’s serverless assets. Run the following command to generate the assets.

php artisan vapor:build
  • Deploying Queues with Horizon

If you have Laravel Horizon installed, you can deploy your queue workers to Vapor using the following command

php artisan vapor:worker
  • Deploying with Database Migrations

When deploying to Vapor, you may need to run database migrations. Execute the following command to run migrations during deployment

php artisan vapor:deploy --migrate
  • Environment Variable Configuration

Vapor allows you to manage environment variables efficiently. Instead of using .env files, you can configure environment variables directly in the Vapor console or by using the vapor.yml file. For example

  - key: APP_ENV
    value: production


Laravel Vapor is a game-changer for deploying Laravel applications in a serverless environment. By following the installation steps, exploring relevant packages, and understanding practical use cases, you are now equipped to take full advantage of Vapor’s scalability and efficiency. Whether you’re deploying a simple application or a complex enterprise-level project, Laravel Vapor offers an elegant solution for serverless Laravel hosting.

Remember to regularly consult the Official Laravel Vapor documentation and resources to stay up to date with the latest features and best practices. Now, it’s time to leverage the power of Laravel Vapor and take your applications to new heights of performance and scalability!

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