How to create Commands and Jobs in Laravel

commands and jobs in laravel

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Laravel, a popular PHP framework, offers a wide range of tools and features for developing robust web applications. Among its powerful functionalities are commands and jobs, which streamline tasks and enable efficient background processing. In this blog post, we’ll explore Laravel commands and jobs in detail, providing examples and explanations of their usage.

  1. Laravel Commands

Laravel commands, also known as Artisan commands, are pre-defined tasks that can be executed via the command line interface (CLI). They simplify repetitive or complex tasks, improving productivity and maintainability. Let’s delve into a few examples and commands to understand how they work:

Creating a Laravel Command

To create a new Laravel command, use the make:command Artisan command. For instance:

php artisan make:command SendEmails

This generates the SendEmails command class within the app/Console/Commands directory. The command’s behavior can be defined by implementing the handle method within the generated class.

Registering a Laravel Command

After creating a command, you must register it in your Laravel application. Open the app/Console/Kernel.php file and add the command class to the $commands property or use the $commands array within the commands method.


protected $commands = [

Running Laravel Commands

To execute a Laravel command, use the php artisan command followed by the command name. For instance

php artisan send:emails

This executes the handle method within the SendEmails command class.

  1. Command Arguments and Options

Commands can accept arguments and options to customize their behavior. Arguments represent required values, while options are additional flags or switches. Consider this example of a command that accepts an argument and an option

protected $signature = 'send:reminder {user : The ID of the user} {--queue : Whether to queue the reminder}';

The send:reminder command expects a required argument user (user ID) and an optional –queue option. Access these argument and option values within the handle method using $this->argument() and $this->option() respectively.

II. Laravel Jobs

Laravel’s job system allows you to queue and process background tasks efficiently. Jobs are classes that encapsulate specific actions, and they can be dispatched for asynchronous execution. Let’s explore how to work with Laravel jobs:

Creating a Laravel Job

Use the make:job Artisan command to generate a new job class. For example

php artisan make:job ProcessPodcast

This creates a ProcessPodcast job class within the app/Jobs directory. Define the task to be performed by the job within the handle method of the generated class.

Dispatching Laravel Jobs

To dispatch a job for processing, utilize the dispatch method provided by Laravel. Here’s an example


This dispatches the ProcessPodcast job to the job queue, enabling background processing.


Laravel commands and jobs greatly enhance the development experience and efficiency when working with the framework. Commands simplify repetitive tasks and allow for customizability, while jobs facilitate asynchronous background processing. By harnessing the power of commands and jobs, Laravel developers can build scalable and high-performance applications. Hopefully, this comprehensive guide has shed light on Laravel commands and jobs, empowering you to utilize these features effectively in your projects.

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